Travel theme: Nevalyashka dolls, the toys from the Soviet times

Originally posted on Traveller on a Mission:
This week, Ailsa‘s photo challenge theme is Toys. I have chosen a photo of Nevalyashka dolls, found at an exhibition about Soviet Design in Moscow in January 2013. Generations of Soviet toddlers were entertained by some version of the Nevalyashka roly-poly doll, the matryoshka’s less glamorous cousin. Wooden versions were popular in the 19th century,…

Vocaloid Theory website update 1

I’m starting to create the site using Wix. It is considered the best for sites in most types such as portfolios, blogs, online shops, social forums, etc. Google Sites is still a good tool but doesn’t have the features to make a blog or an online shop but you can also make a portfolio forContinue reading “Vocaloid Theory website update 1”

Announcing 「Vocaloid Theory!」

Vocaloid Theory is going to be my new blog site. It is dedicated to my own (and other people’s theories about Vocaloid. Not just any theory or news about Vocaloid and UTAU, but also about the fan base and series of producers such as the Kagerou Project and Heisei Project. It’s coming soon and betterContinue reading “Announcing 「Vocaloid Theory!」”

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