RIP TheOriginalHDChannel

Kenny or known on the Internet as Destructionfun, Destructionfun1, Smashstuff30, MostIgnoredVideos, TheOriginal4KChannel, or TheOriginalHDChannel is a YouTuber known for his destruction/smashing videos. He has been famous since the days when YouTube was still new and was active from 2006-2014. He keeps on closing his channels probably because he wants to protect his identity (or somethingContinue reading “RIP TheOriginalHDChannel”

Yeet and Yah origin

Sorry if this is blasphemy to all of you. This is just for fun, you know? In Soviet mythology, Yeet and Yah were born from chaos when YouTube was first created and they are believed to exist in harmony at the center of the the platform. During the creation, their achievement of balance in the cosmicContinue reading “Yeet and Yah origin”

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